Happy Boobectimy Eve

What does someone do the night before their boob is removed from their body? Well, for me, I enjoy lovely visitors, phone calls, tests and facebook/blog messages. I am enjoying a glass of bubbles which will be followed by another but not too many. I need to wake up really early, like, before midday to ensure I eat before my fasting time of 12:30. I will then not eat until goodness knows when. Yes, I am concerned about the fasting period more than the boobectimy because I will be hungry. And, I can’t have any fluids from 4:30pm. Yes! That’s right! No bubbles, I mean water, after 4:30pm. What if the operation before me goes over time? I will be hungry AND thirsty and will be able to nothing about it except complain and no one else will care too much because THEY will be able to eat and drink what ever they want because it isn’t them having an operation, it’s me!!

Ok, let us reflect on lefties life before we bid her farewell tomorrow night, at 7pm… never to be seen again.

Hmmmm, well, that’s about all the reflecting I can do because leftie hasn’t really been known for much in her life. She just popped out one day when I was pregnant. She was quite the shy boob, not wanting to pop out too early and gave me many sleepless nights as a teenager just wishing for her and rightie to come on out, show their mounds beneath my top.  So, by the time she arrived, I was distracted with pregnancy and then a new born and no, leftie did nothing to nourish the newborn so she can’t even have that title. She was just ‘there’.

How do I feel about everything that is happening tomorrow? Well, in all honesty, I am ready to have it done, be rid of the cancer and soon, get back to my other life, the one I was happily having before I found out I had cancer. I imagine I’ll be a wee bit frightened as they wheel me down the corridor for surgery and I might even do a ‘movie moment’ of holding out my hand to my mum and Sam as I disappear behind the swinging doors…… bright fluro lights blinding me as they inject the anesthetic.

Ooooh sorry about that, I kind of got carried away with myself there but truly, I am ok right now.  I will also be ok tomorrow. I’ll be a little scared at 7ish tomorrow night and then, I’ll wake up lop sided and hungry.

Thank you to everyone for their wonderful thoughts and good wishes.  I should be back on Tuesday talking about what it is like to be lop sided 🙂

4 thoughts on “Happy Boobectimy Eve

  1. Dora

    Hey Bailey
    You are truly amazing, an inspiration;
    Sharing your Journey with us all,
    You are such a strong individual,
    This situation you are in sucks” but it’s temporary, & you will beat this..
    My thoughts are with you girl,
    I know you don’t like hugs
    But I am sending you
    A big hug anyway…xoxoxo
    Luv Dorsey

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