A Little Ray of Sunshine

Seriously, some people are just idiots. Ok fine, I am one of those people but I am going to blame ‘new doctor’ today.

I went and saw him yesterday to get my blood results back and see whats going on on the inside. The doctor likes to do full bloods on all new patients so I complied and had the blood test done.

I totally rock on the inside beside having the cancer bizzo. The only issue was my vitamin D levels being a bit low which is nothing unusual and quite common being a coeliac (gluten intolerant).

So, new Doctor suggests I get Ostolin Vitamin D Liquid and to take 5 mills once a week. He had written it on a prescription form but when I gave it to Mary, the pharmacist, she decided to print out the ‘what to take and when’ sticker.

Sam and I investigated the new medication and were quite confused when we removed the syringe and it only had enough room for 3 mills. Oh well, we are smart enough to add 3 + 2 and make five.

Within 40 minutes I started to get a headache, a little longer and this headache turned into a migraine. When I woke this morning the migraine had become unbearable. I wont go into how many different medications I took to try and get rid of this but I really didn’t have anything that was even close to working. I had to phone the radiologist and cancel todays appointment. I allowed my internet man to come in and set up the NBN but he was faced with me in my pajamas, unwashed hair and heavily medicated. He did his job quick and was outta there in no time.

Night nurse popped over and helped with my medication and pain issues and asked to read the Vitamin bottle. So, turns out I was meant to have 0.5 mills of this Vitamin D which works out to 1000IU (a persons total daily intake needed). I had taken 10,000IU, 10 times the daily amount recommended.

Good one Doctor Idiot.

I googled ‘bad side effects’ from taking too much Vitamin D

  • feeling sick or being sick – Yep, due to migraine
  • poor appetite or loss of appetite – Yep, slept all day due to migraine
  • feeling very thirsty – Yep, I am always very thirsy
  • passing urine often – Yep, look above, I am always thirsty
  • constipation or diarrhea – Nope
  • abdominal pain – Nope
  • muscle weakness or pain – I don’t think I have muscles to get weakness or pain
  • feeling confused – hehehehehe that is normal
  • feeling tired – I did sleep all day due to the migraine due to the overdose of vitamin D

Usually, when I take vitamin D, I bounce. Like, I literally bounce and am happy and chipper and love the world. This doesn’t occur when you take 10 times the required amount. I feel that if I bend over, a big ray of sunshine is going to shine out of my bum because of this all this Vitamin D.